power in France
Nuclear power is the primary source of electric power in France. The nuclear industry in France was implemented in 1950 and 1960 with the commissioning of nine reactors. The first nuclear power plant in France was built in 1956 but it is because of the oil crisis of the 70s, that nuclear power occupies an important place in the French energy sector. The nuclear industry gradually became the main source of electricity production in France. The law fixing the orientations of the French energy policy of July 13th, 2005 confirms the preservation of nuclear power as the main source of electricity in France even if it encourages the diversification of the sectors of production of electricity from the renewable energies (wind energy-biomass etc.) and from oil, from gas and from coal. In France, in 2006, 78,4 % of the electricity was of nuclear origin. It is one of the most competitive in Europe. The French nuclear park comprises 58 pressurized water reactors which produce 450 billion kWh so 78.4% of the total electricity production.
The life expectancy of a third of the power plants currently in operation expires in 2020. France is preparing to deploy a new generation of reactors which answer the requirements of economic competitiveness, environmental protection and enhanced security. France launched in April 2007, the construction of a third-generation EPR2 reactor in Flamanville in Normandy. This project devotes research programs to fourth generation reactors, for their deployment in 2016.
What is the place of nuclear energy in the world?
It represents only 6 or 7% of the total energy consumed from all sources. If this is so little, why do we use nuclear power in France?
-It allows France to ensure its energy independence (France imports less than 50% of its energy resources)
-Protection of the Environment (France is a European country which emits the least greenhouse gas emissions) Indeed, France is involved in a struggle against global warming, a phenomenon now well understood by scientists.
It is essential to use methods of energy production which do not act on global warming, so as not to make it worse. Nuclear power has undoubtedly, beside other energies, as the renewable energies, an important role to play to contribute to protecting the environment. Since 1970, in France, 50% of CO2 emissions have been avoided thanks to the use of nuclear energy. Nuclear power avoids the emission, each year of 700 million tons of CO2 (emissions equal to those that produce 200 million cars) including 360 million in France.
- Nuclear power has an advantage for employment in France.
- Nuclear power is needed to produce the atomic bomb. A modern and powerful country considers that it needs nuclear weapons.
However, the use of nuclear power in France is not always beneficial in the minds of many French people:
- Nuclear power presents health risks related to radioactive pollution.
- Nuclear power hinders the development of renewable energies such as wind turbines, hydraulic power, or, in some areas, solar energy, which do not pollute and are cheaper. The government is not investing enough in renewable energy research.
- The system is dangerous: the installation of a nuclear power plant requires huge, very expensive safety measures, without being sure of their absolute safety.
-Radioactive waste poses a very big problem: the nuclear industry continues to produce and they don't even know what to do with it. It therefore keeps it on the surface, endangering future generations. And the transportation and maintenance of waste is very expensive.
- Since the drama of Japan in 2011, the use of the nuclear power has been the subject of considerable debate in France
JEAN Emmanuelle, LAABOUDI Soukayna,NOEL Janie.