An article about the meeting in Hannover has been published in the online newspaper "La Unión hoy" and also in the website from the Ministry of Education in Murcia.
Here you have the links to the articles:

Dieses Projekt wurde mit Unterstützung der Europäischen Kommission finanziert. Die Verantwortung für den Inhalt dieser Veröffentlichung trägt allein der Verfasser; die Kommission haftet nicht für die weitere Verwendung der darin enthaltenen Angaben.
Dienstag, 30. April 2013
Dienstag, 9. April 2013
A SEA OF MIRRORS: Gemasolar. Solar plant in Spain.
Gemasolar is the first commercial-scale plant in the world to apply central tower receiver and molten salt heat storage technology. The relevance of this plant lies in its technological uniqueness, since it opens up the way for new thermosolar electrical generation technology.
If you want to learn more about this solar plant, visit the following links:
An Inconvenient Truth - Statements by some German students
Pierre Martin
The film “An Inconvenient Truth” shocked me, because Al Gore shows very well how we are destroying our own planet: the earth. The pictures, statistics, diagrams and information demonstrate the consequences of our worldwide CO2-emissions.The CO2-concentration in the air today has doubled if compared with the maximums during the last 650,000 years. As a result the temperature is rising so that the ice on the poles and glaciers is melting. The higher temperature is also the reason for more natural catastrophes and the extinction of animals, plants and sometimes also humans.
All in all we can say that humanity is destroying their own source of life and wealth in order to obtain short-term profits. But we should think of our future and the next generations.
Having seen this film I would like to stop this destruction by for example switching off the lights because I don’t find it ethically rsponsible. The responsibility to secure this unique planet and home of life is in our hands and we have to secure it.
Sophie-Charlotte Berke
“An Inconvenient Truth” - A film which gives a really good insight into the big problem of global warming by Al GoreMy opinion:
At first I was very surprised at the alarming facts that Al Gore talks about, because I thought that I knew a lot about the topic, but apparently not. I never thought that global warming is such a problem! Our earth is really in danger but most people don't know that because of too little information. However, it is so easy to change something and fight against global warming because it is not too late yet, the climate crisis can be solved, but we have to start now, because everything we need is there, except, perhaps the political will.
Background information:
After Al Gore lost the presidential election in the year 2000, he devoted himself even more to the fight against global warming.The film shows recordings of his presentation, which he introduced in many cities around the world. In this, he talked about his views on the scientific and political aspects of global warming.
With much conviction, sarcastic humor and stinging facts he ties his audience alone with his words. Al Gore is concerned that humanity, despite the size of the earth, with their exhaust gases have an enormous influence on global warming. ( => anthropogenic greenhouse effect) That is why it is so important for the earth and the people that we start to change something because it is very easy to reduce the CO2 content, for example by producing fuel-saving cars, insulation of houses and a conscious energy and commodity consumption without which the usual quality of life would decrease. For more things we can do to stop the global warming look at Al Gore's Homepage:
Florian Wienecke
In my opinion the film is a great opportunity to show everybody what’s going on in the world - with our world. It belongs to all of us because we can solve all the problems in the present age and in the future. So we have to change our behavior before it’s too late to save our blue planet.Also, the flm shows great examples to me that even little changes in my behavior can be helpful for the environment and our world.
Jacqueline Pluta, Janine Heinecke, Niclaas Dettke
Our first emotions about the film 'An Inconvenient Truth' by Al Gore were that we were very shocked, because the CO2-level is rising. It was very interesting to see what the scientists can find out in our days. The film shows that we can have a new ice age shortly. This is really frightening, because Germany will be one of many states where it could be and this is also more than inconceivable. Besides, the CO2-concentration is going to double in less than fifty years. The film is also about hurricanes, of which there will be more and more. That's an extremely scary aspect. Moreover it's strange that the arctic will be the place where the temperatures will be the highest in a few years, whereas it's the coldest place in our days. Furthermore it's frightening that many politicians don't really care about global warming and ignore that so many other states want to stop the CO2-emissions. We liked the end of the film, because the tips and suggestions are really good. Additionally we think that everyone who watches the movie 'An Inconvenient Truth' will think about the topic of global warming and CO2-emissions.
Freitag, 5. April 2013
Nuclear energy in Spain by Mari Carmen Muñoz.
Nuclear energy is one of the safest energies that can
be used to achieve many desired results, provided it´s used safely with due
precautions. It can be used in different fields for peaceful purposes such as
electricity generation, medicinal purposes, reducing pollution, etc. Here´s an
elaborate explanation about its benefits.
Spain is notable for power stations uprates. It has a program to add 810
MWe (11%) to its nuclear capacity through upgrading its nine reactors by up to
13%. For instance, the Almaraz nuclear station is being boosted by more than 5%
at a cost of US$ 50 million. Some 519 MWe of the overall increase is already in
In February 2011 parliament removed a legal provision limiting nuclear
plant operating life to 40 years, and early in 2012 an industry report
recommended in principle 20-year life extensions.
The Socialist government to 2011 came to power on an anti-nuclear
platform, but apart from opposing the renewal of licence for the Santa Maria de
Garoña station, an early BWR-3 model, it was increasingly positive about
nuclear power. In 2011 the responsible minister said that nuclear plants were
"essential for the supply of electricity in Spain" and that almost
all nuclear power units "will be open, operating and even repowering"
until 2021. Also he said that "nuclear energy will be useful as a source
of electricity for cars," which the government was promoting, hoping to
have one million electric vehicles on the road by 2014. However, that
government remained opposed to new nuclear station construction. The Socialist
government's anti-nuclear policy was never taken into legislation.
The November 2011 election brought about a change of government which revised the decision to close Garoña, potentially allowing operation to 2019.
Power reactors operating in Spain
Reactors |
Type |
Net MWe |
First power |
Commercial operation |
Owner (%); operator |
Licence expires |
Almaraz 1 |
947 (1015) |
1981 |
1981 |
Iberdrola 53%, Endesa 36%, Union Fenosa 11%; CNAT |
6/2020 |
Almaraz 2 |
956 |
1983 |
1984 |
6/2020 |
Asco 1 |
996 |
1983 |
1984 |
Endesa (100%); ANAV |
10/2021 |
Asco 2 |
992 |
1985 |
1986 |
Endesa (85%); ANAV |
10/2021 |
Cofrentes |
1063 |
1984 |
1985 |
Iberdrola (100%); Iberdrola |
3/2021 |
Trillo 1 |
1003 |
1988 |
1988 |
Iberdrola (48%); CNAT |
11/2014 |
Vandellos 2 |
1045 |
1987 |
1988 |
Endesa (78%); ANAV |
7/2020 |
Total (8) |
7002 MWe |
The Program of Advanced Nuclear Stations is working on the development
of Westinghouse AP 600 and GE Advanced Boiling Water Reactors. Spain is also
participating in the development of European Utility Requirements (EUR) in
relation to advanced nuclear technology and is part of the International Atomic
Energy Agency's INPRO project
Currently operating in Spain 8 nuclear reactors. They are usually classified
into three stages according to their time of construction and other relevant
criteria. Garoña belongs to the first stage, along with the already closed
Vandellós I (closed in 1989) and José Cabrera closed in 2006. These plants were
built in the second half of the 60s.
To the second stage belong the Almaraz (which has two reactors), Ascó (also with two reactors) and Cofrentes, networked between 1983 and 1986. National participation was around 60 per 100 between civil works and equipment, with important effects on the Spanish industry drivers.
To the third stage belong Trillo and Vandellós II, after twelve years of political uncertainty plagued construction. The Spanish nuclear industry was consolidated at this stage, with the construction of factories both equipment and fuel, the implementation of a number of specialized service companies and the creation of the National Radioactive Waste (ENRESA).
All this activity involved a major effort to assimilate technology and training technicians and specialists, which resulted in a high quality nuclear fleet, teams of highly skilled operation and very high figures of national participation in the construction of nuclear power plants , from 43% of total first generation plants to 75% in the second and 85% in the third.
Nuclear plants were built today are a very important asset in the electricity generation market. Technology has proven to be able to keep operating and to include in them the technical improvements that have been developed, enabling a continuous and safe operation, allowing extend life.
To the second stage belong the Almaraz (which has two reactors), Ascó (also with two reactors) and Cofrentes, networked between 1983 and 1986. National participation was around 60 per 100 between civil works and equipment, with important effects on the Spanish industry drivers.
To the third stage belong Trillo and Vandellós II, after twelve years of political uncertainty plagued construction. The Spanish nuclear industry was consolidated at this stage, with the construction of factories both equipment and fuel, the implementation of a number of specialized service companies and the creation of the National Radioactive Waste (ENRESA).
All this activity involved a major effort to assimilate technology and training technicians and specialists, which resulted in a high quality nuclear fleet, teams of highly skilled operation and very high figures of national participation in the construction of nuclear power plants , from 43% of total first generation plants to 75% in the second and 85% in the third.
Nuclear plants were built today are a very important asset in the electricity generation market. Technology has proven to be able to keep operating and to include in them the technical improvements that have been developed, enabling a continuous and safe operation, allowing extend life.
Almost 0
emissions (very low greenhouse gas emissions).
They can
be sited almost anywhere unlike oil which is mostly imported.
stations almost never experience problems if not from human error, which almost
never happens anyway because the plant only needs about 10 people to operate
A small
amount of matter creates a large amount of energy.
A lot of
energy is generated from a single power station.
· A truckload of Uranium is equivalent in energy to
10,000+ truckloads of coal. (Assuming the Uranium is fully
A nuclear
aircraft carrier can circle the globe continuously for 30 years on its original
fuel while a diesel fueled carrier has a range of only about 3000 miles before
having to refuel.
reactors have two to ten times more efficiency than the old generation reactors
currently in use.
reactor types have been designed to make it physically impossible to melt down.
As the core gets hotter the reaction gets slower, hence a run-away reaction
leading to a melt-down is not possible.
reactors (traveling wave) are proposed to completely eliminate any long-lived
nuclear waste created from the process.
reactors create more usable fuel than they use.
plants are more expensive to build and maintain.
concerns - breeder reactors yield products that could potentially be stolen and
turned into an atomic weapon.
products are dangerous and need to be carefully stored for long periods of
time. The spent fuel is highly radioactive and has to be carefully stored for
many years or decades after use. This adds to the costs.
nuclear research and experimentation has created massive contamination problems
that are still uncontained.
power plants can be dangerous to its surroundings and employees. It would cost
a lot to clean in case of spillages.
exist safety concerns if the station is not operated correctly or conditions
arise that were unforeseen when the plant was developed, as happened at the
Fukushima plant in Japan; the core melted down following an earthquake and
tsunami the station was not designed to handle despite the world's strongest
earthquake codes.
An Inconvenient Truth by Gabriel Martín, Spain
Original title: An inconvenient truth
Director: Davis Guggenheim
Country: United States
Year: 2006
Duration: 100 min.
Genre: Documentary
It is the third highest box-office success
documentary in history.
Gore also has published a book under the same
title, which has been featured in the film, as if It were a documentary
graphical presentation.
Coinciding with the release of the film, the
May 13, 2006, Gore took the opportunity to
promote themselves in the "reality
show" America's best-known TV show, ‘Saturday Night Live’, where he played
the hilarious role of the President of the United States, after having won the 2000
elections, in an imaginary world parallel to the real one.
In 2007 it received an Oscar for best
Personal Opinion
Most of Sun’s radiation is absorbed by the
Earth and warm it. Some energy is radiated back into space by the earth in the
form of infrared waves. Some of this bouncing infrared radiation is trapped by
the earth’s atmosphere and warms it.
The CO2 layer prevents that most of these rays can go back to the space.
In my opinion, human beings could collaborate
and avoid the global warming, to save the Earth.
What could we do?
As we know, pollution is one the main factors
we should avoid. Therefore we should:
-save energy
-use the car only when it is necessary
-buy appliances that save energy
-use compact lights
-plant trees and save water
-take care of the environment, etc
If everybody collaborates, we can save the
planet and avoid its destruction.
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