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Montag, 3. Dezember 2012

The best week of my life… Comenius Project from 26.11.12 to 02.12.12

The week started with an early flight from Hannover Airport over Zurich to Aèroporte Lyonnaise. I was a little bit scared because we were going to live in French host families in Chambéry and I didn’t know if they would understand my school French or if they would even understand English. But from the first moment on they were very nice and I liked my new home very much. We arrived on Monday and the project started on Wednesday, that was why we could join the lessons of our French partners on Tuesday. I really felt like a French girl because I had to take the school bus and eat in the big cafeteria, which was very different from our canteen.
On Wednesday, when the project started, I was a little bit scared because I had to present our school and even though I like to present something in the front, it was very difficult to do it in English. The project was a very nice experience, because it was very interesting for me to see which opinions teenagers from other countries have about the topic of youth employment in Europe.
But what was the best part of the week? To answer this question I can’t name one single activity. Of course, the ice disco, the trip to Geneva, the treasure hunt through Chambéry or the skiing were so great that I can’t describe it, but all in all the best thing of the exchange was the great sense of unity. I got to know so many nice people, who helped me up when I fell at skiing, who ate lunch with me or who planned a party for me. I hope that I will keep in contact with these wonderful people.
To end, I want to say thank you to my wonderful exchange partner Héloise who helped me with everything, my very, very nice and friendly host family who has cooked the best food I have ever eaten and my teachers that they gave me the chance to make that wonderful experience of the Comenius Project.

Marie Hohlbein, Germany

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