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Donnerstag, 31. Januar 2013

Austro-Hungarian experiences in France
As we look back on the Comenius Project so many memories bump into our mind. Of course, these memories are only related to happiness and fun, and we would definitely go on another meeting again.
One of the biggest advantages apart from the intercultural experience was that we could improve our English and also French language skills as we only talked in these languages the whole week. We are sure that this is the best way to practice a language and we benefited a lot from it.
Another great experience was meeting many new people of our agegroup from other countries. We made a lot of new friends and we organized many interesting programs outside the project too. We went ice skating, we tried the fantastic laser game and we had a little goodbye-party on the last evening.
It is important to mention what the  project meeting was about: youth unemployment.  The representatives of each  country gave a presentation about this topic. All presentations were really well-prepared and informative. They were very useful  because this  is a topic which concerns all of us. We hope that we will find good jobs.
We will never forget the multicultural environment and the caring atmosphere of our host families. We spent a wonderful time with the students of all countries involved. We really hope that we keep in touch and that these friendships will last long. We have already invited some of the French students to Budapest, Sidonie and Vincent spent 4 unfortgettable days with us. We are looking forward to meeting all of you again!  Thanks for the great time we had with you.
The Hungarian Students

Mittwoch, 16. Januar 2013

The Retirement System in Germany

In our application form the group has put down the intention of firstly dealing with the economic crisis in Europe: ’youth unemployment as well as retirement and pension systems’ (cf. D4 and G2).
As the latter topic could not be discussed during the first meeting in Chambéry, the German teachers chose to present on the blog a short survey about the situation of rent/ pensions in Germany.

The system of old-age pensions (retirement allowances) is facing a crisis in Germany and will deteriorate sooner or later  unless further political measures will be taken. Some reforms have already become effective during the Schröder government ("Agenda 2010") and later.
The main reasons are due to beginning changes in a diminishing birthrate since 1970, higher life expectancy and labour market problems.
The pensions in Germany are based on the so-called "Three Generations’ Contract": during his/her lifetime each citizen is first a receiver, then a contributor and after a professional career an old-age recipient. The working population is the main contributor to making provisions for old-age pensions: the smaller the number of people who work and pay into the Federal Social Insurance Institution, the less money is available; the  longer retired persons live the longer they receive money from the pension fund.
We try to illustrate the topic of superannuation in Germany by presenting two different types of persons:

1. Mr. R (R stands for “Rente”)
During his professional life he had been a salaried employee (“Angestellter”) who finished work in 2012.
He has now started to draw his pension. To receive a full sum of allowance money, we make  mention of some of the essential conditions such as:
- he must have worked for at least 45 years  (each missing month means a reduction of his pension),
- he must have reached the age of 65 years (s.above)  and by 2030 the age of 67,
- his pension money is 50% of his net income (by 2030  he will receive 43%),
- during his working life his employer as well as he as an employee have paid (1/2 each) into the Social Insurance Institution (BVA) the amount of 19,5% of his monthly net income.

2. Mr. P (P stands for “Pension”)
His retirement also begins in 2012. In contrast to Mr. R, he is a civil servant (“Beamter”).
- Up to 2000 he had to work for 35 years (his period of training: military service and studies were fully considered); now he needs 40 years of professional service (2 years at the  utmost and in the future none) to receive a full pension.
- Like Mr. R he has to reach the age of 65 now for retirement to gain the  maximum allowance. From this year onwards he has to work one month more per year and from 2024 onwards 2 months more with the aim of retiring at 67 in 2030. He can choose to retire at the age of 63, but then loses 0,3% of his last income before tax per month. This sums up to a loss of 7,2% for two years of earlier retirement. 75% of his last income used to be paid until 2004; now it has been reduced to 71.75%.
- His pension is being paid by the state from current taxes.
- In contrast to Mr. R, Mr. P has not paid any sum (nor has his employer, the state) into a pension-paying institution.
With a growing number of retiring civil servants, almost all German Federal States will face enormous problems in paying pensions from taxes not having built up reserves.
(by Andreas Freese and Wolfgang Mertens)

Debate: Retirement at 67?

The discussion in Germany concerning the age of retirement at 67 will be presented by two of our students in   PRO  and  CON  statements.

Julia is against. She writes: "A lot of people who have practised manual work which has been physically quite demanding see themselves unable to go on doing so at the age of 65 to 67 or earlier. Looking at Germany’s employment statistics it becomes evident that elderly people (i.e. those between 60 and 67) do not find a sufficient number of jobs and thus   become easily unemployed.
My proposal is: keep the retirement age at 65 and increase the contribution to the Social Insurance Institution for employees from 19.5% up to 22%. Also make people with high incomes contribute more to the system.
With retirement at 67, people would draw a smaller pension with cuts in case they finished work before. A pensioner ( a civil servant or a salaried employee) loses– if he retires between 63 and 66 -  3.2% of his allowance money for each year before 67. Thus earlier retirement before 67 means a hidden cut of one’s pension.
My conclusion: people should finish their professional career at the age of 65 to be able to live their lives with a sufficient pension. Paying a higher contribution of one’s salary during working life should not be a real problem."
(by Julia Röske)

Kevin is for. He offers the following line of argumentation: "The length of pensionable service up to the age of 67 seems to be the only feasible way to finance old-age pensions in the future.
Several different ways of financing the German Federal Social Insurance Institution are possible. I want to name a few: an increase of employees’ contributions; the inclusion into the system of professions that, so far, have not had to pay into the pension fund. Together with the retirement age at 67 an increase of financial contributions will be prevented and the charge on economy will not augment. If not, the rate of unemployment may rise. Furthermore, the already high indebtedness of the State will not become worse.
It is true: people, such as building labourers or roofers, whose job is physically hard will not agree with my ideas.
I, however, vote for the pension at 67: - pensions will not have to be reduced; - old-age poverty will more easily be avoided; - the financial burden of the State will become less; - cost-covering contributions for coming generations will be better regulated."
(by Kevin Maciaszczyk)

Dienstag, 15. Januar 2013

SPAIN. We are in the official regional ministry website

An article about our Comenius project and the first meeting in France has been published in the official regional ministry website, as part of the dissemination of the project.

Montag, 14. Januar 2013

Our experience in France. By Javier Sanes and Daniel Cabezos

Our travel to France:

First we took the aeroplane in Alicante and we went to Géneve, then we took a bus to go to Chámbery. When we met our partners we were very nervous, but then the nerves disappeared and we became great friends with the other comenius students.

We did a lot of activities like sightseeing, a debate about the youth unemployment and a presentation about the crisis, skiing. We also went to parties, visited the ILO, and different cities like Lyon and Géneve; we even went to a “laser game”. For me the best activity was the skiing because I laughed a lot at the people who fell down.

When we had to leave Chambery we were very sad because probably we won’t  see some of the comenius students any more. The day before the last day we were in a hotel in Lyon and the last day in Géneve. Finally we went back to Spain; we were very sad and tired.

In the comenius meeting, we really had fun, we met a lot of people from Germany, Hungary, Czech Republic and France. We spoke a lot of English and we learnt about the economic situation in Europe, about other cultures and we ate typical French food, the families who hosted the students were very nice with us. 

Our experience in France, by the students Pencho Cegarra and Noelia Valverde

Our experience in the Comenius meeting was unforgettable. We met new people from many different countries, we learnt about the French culture and we lived new experiences, as some of us had never travelled abroad by plane or had never go skiing… Our trip started in Alicante, we were very nervous about the trip to Chambery and also about the presentations of the crisis we had to explain to all the other partners at the meeting, but when we arrived we felt really comfortable there because French people were really kind to us. They tried to explain us their traditions, they showed us how their school worked, and they made typical French dishes for us too. At home it was a really new situation for us, there weren’t any Spanish people with us, so we had to learn to talk to our French partner.
We’ll never forget the time we spent doing many different activities such as skiing, ice skating, interesting visits to the monuments and museums of the cities we visited, and many more things but the most amusing activity was skiing because no one of us knew how to do it, so we fell off a lot and we laughed at each other.
To sum up, I think all of us would like to repeat this amazing experience.

Our experience in France... It was wonderful. By the students Pedro Pedreño and Ana Zaplana

Our experience in France... It was wonderful.
We arrived in Geneva, Switzerland the first day and took the bus to Chambéry, France, the city that would be our home for a week. We all were so tired, but excited too. We couldn't stop talking about the travel, thinking of how our partners would be...
We stayed waiting for them a few hours until our friends arrived. We had met each other on Facebook a month ago, so we knew how they looked like. At the beginning, we were so shy and we didn't speak to anybody, but gradually  we started to talk to each other. They were (and are) awesome people!  
Each friend  picked up his correspondent partner and drove him to his house.
When we got home, we met the families. Every family was different, but generally they were very friendly, polite and cheerful. We tried to be the same, and we think we did it successfully. 
A thing we loved a lot was the food. Oh, there was so much cheese and it was very tasty.
Every day we did different things. We met all together at the school, including Germans, Austrians and Czechoslovakians (amazing people too), and we did different activities. 
The two firsts days we showed our country, Region and school and also about the unemployment in Spain with PowerPoints presentations. We knew Chambéry and its monuments on a funny way, with a  treasure searching style.
We visited the ILO (International Labour Organization) and saw its installations. We went to do Cross Country Skiing, a very funny activity (everybody fell off a lot of times, even teachers)
Out of the school time, we met and we went shopping, we did ice-skiing, we ate together... There was a very good atmosphere among us. We love them. They are like our second family. And we hope when they come to Spain, they are comfortable. Some of them will travel to Germany in April, but we hope we will meet them again.
Definitely, we would never change this experience.

Montag, 7. Januar 2013