
Dieses Projekt wurde mit Unterstützung der Europäischen Kommission finanziert. Die Verantwortung für den Inhalt dieser Veröffentlichung trägt allein der Verfasser; die Kommission haftet nicht für die weitere Verwendung der darin enthaltenen Angaben.

Montag, 7. Januar 2013

Video: Employment opportunities in Germany

The video that was presented by the German group at the meeting in France can be watched online:


1 Kommentar:

  1. From my point of view. Now, in Spain, we have very bad conditions, some people don’t have any money, food, or a house to live. There are even people who are committing suicide because they have nothing, and this is very sad.
    Spanish people who immigrate to other countries, due to the lack of job in Spain, are people who have university degrees: they are engineers, doctors, lawyers etc. But if they have to work as a mechanic for example, they will not be happy with the job or with the salary. Instead, they would prefer to work in Spain under good working conditions, but there is no way.
    In the Comenius meeting, there was some misunderstanding with this video, showing a very narrow point of view. And the problem was “solved”. For this reason, I think it’s not necessary to upload the video on the blog not to create more problems.

    Student Javier Sanes
